In dieser Rubrik berichten wir über alles was bei den Château Noblesse Cavalieren aktuell passiert.
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----- HIGHLIGHT'S 2015 -----
Top Cavalier 2015 Competition CCD e.V. (Cavalier Club Germany)
During the show year you can collect points for this competition. The winners are announced at the end of the year.
We are proud to say that also in 2015 our dogs were really successful and well placed.
I still cannot believe that his breeders Michelle Chapman & Tanya Ireland allowed him to come to Germany and can only thank them from the bottom of my heart.
----- NEWS ARCHIV 2015 -----
Das Jahr 2015 war ein sehr erfolgreiches Jahr für unsere Cavaliere und deren Nachzuchten.
Deswegen haben wir zum Nachlesen und in Erinnerungen schwelgen ein News Archiv angefangen. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern!
-----UK CLUBSHOW 2016-----
A wonderful week is ending and its time to cheer about our incredible joy. First time we showed two of our homebred girls on the most prestigious event of the year in the UK - the clubshow. With more than 350 dogs making more than 400 entries its one of the biggest shows and always a pleasure to attend.
You can imagine how thrilled (and still speechless) we are about the wonderful results...
----- Our lovely Yearbook pages for the UK Yearbook -----
Thanks to Anna Derleta!!!
----- BOYS PAGE -----
We welcome our new boy HARANA STEVIE WONDER
Ellemich Invictus & Lovetrac Superman got their own pages too.
----- CACIB Rostock 2016 -----
BOB ~ Zancho Pancho du chateau noblesse
CACIB ~ Pistol Pete du chateau noblesse
CACIB ~ CH Romantica du chateau noblesse
Thanks to judge Leos Jancik, CZ
----- WIR HABEN WELPEN -----
Wir freuen uns über die ersten Welpen unseres neuen Schatzes aus England
mit unserer tollen Hündin Nina.
Aktuell haben wir auch Welpen in ruby und black and tan abzugeben!